Sunday, August 7, 2011

Thunder Dog Review

"A blind man and his guide dog show the power of trust and courage in the midst of devastating terror.
It was 12:30 a.m. on 9/11 and Roselle whimpered at Michael's bedside. A thunderstorm was headed east, and she could sense the distant rumbles while her owners slept. As a trained guide dog, when she was "on the clock" nothing could faze her. But that morning, without her harness, she was free to be scared, and she nudged Michael's hand with her wet nose as it draped over the bedside toward the floor. She needed him to wake up.
With a busy day of meetings and an important presentation ahead, Michael slumped out of bed, headed to his home office, and started chipping away at his daunting workload. Roselle, shivering, took her normal spot at his feet and rode out the storm while he typed. By all indications it was going to be a normal day. A busy day, but normal nonetheless. Until they went into the office.
In Thunder Dog, follow Michael and his guide dog, Roselle, as their lives are changed forever by two explosions and 1,463 stairs. When the first plane struck Tower One, an enormous boom, frightening sounds, and muffled voices swept through Michael's office while shards of glass and burning scraps of paper fell outside the windows.
But in this harrowing story of trust and courage, discover how blindness and a bond between dog and man saved lives and brought hope during one of America's darkest days."
This story about Michael and Roselle and amazing and almost unbelievable, but as a pet lover myself, I loved this book and how Michael's trust for his guide dog was strengthened through her saving him during 9/11. This is a great book, even if it were to be fiction, but the fact that it really happened just makes it 100 times better.
Michael's bond to his dog and what they shared throughout this whole experience never ceased to amaze me, and the whole book was just an intense read because I kept wondering what was going to happen and whether I should place 100% of my faith in Roselle!
Again, it's a very enjoyable book and you should read this, especially if you love your pets or if someone you know has a guide dog! Suggest this to your friends with guide dogs too!

Disclosure: This book was provided to me by Thomas Nelson for review.  

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